
What is likely to happen in the future to that ecosystem?

Tianyi Peng
The recovery actions of some tropical dry forest in Mexico are already underway. Fast growing of tree biomass occurs during succession following the shifting cultivation of maize in Southern Yucatan Peninsular Region,Mexico (Read & Lawrence, 2003). According to Read and Lawrence’s research, an estimate recovery to precultivation level may take 55-95 yr and recovery to pre-logged state may take 65-120yr. In many other cases, situations are not optimistic. For example, Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve faces threats from the Ejidos land, private ranches, and urban development (Sanchez-Azofeifa, 2013). Had the rate of deforestation not been contained, the continuous forest surrounding the Biosphere Reserve would disappear in less than 50 years and then the Biosphere Reserve would become an island (Sanchez-Azofeifa, 2013).

Also, government has found it difficult to balance the relationship between peasants in Ejidos and the ecosystem. Even though many peasants recognize the benefits provided by the tropical dry forest, they are “proud of their pasture fields and economic activities” and thus the conservation of the forest is not valued as necessity (Sanchez-Azofeifa, 2003). Therefore, until effective governmental policies are implemented to balance peasants’ livelihood and environmental protection, many tropical dry forests will still be in danger of deforestation. 

